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CTO in Software3 years ago
Zoom fatigue is real for sure.
CIO in Education3 years ago
Yeah. I'm not sure it would have been better in person, but you would have been moving around probably a little bit more. Once you start getting into virtual Zoom breakout rooms and coming back and forth with that, it's almost like the movement back and forth between rooms is breaking it up enough.
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CTO in Software3 years ago

But I find that disruptive too because it's never a good flow at least in my experience. They haven't figured that out. There's always issues like, "Oh, can you hear me?"

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CIO in Education3 years ago

Yeah, like “Who's in my group? Let me send you, I didn't want to send you. Oh wait, somebody dropped off.” The numbers don't work out. There's clearly flow issues, that is true.

CIO in Education3 years ago
I think fatigue is fact. I think “Zoom” (for us primarily Microsoft Teams) is how we interacted the most throughout the pandemic, but as we enter face-to-face again, we won’t have a fancy new name to call just flat-out exhaustion. It will take a decade for many of us to feel 100% ourselves again. The pandemic has been taxing in all ways.
IT Director and Software Producer in Software3 years ago
Definitely fact. I’ve stopped using the camera or switched back to phone for basic 1-on-1 meetings.
CEO in Services (non-Government)3 years ago
Maybe it is a fact. However, every time I think of zoom fatigue, I think of the alternative of 45 minutes in traffic each direction. The fatigue disappears quickly.

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