When you’ve entered a new executive role, how have you made an impact quickly?

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IT Manager in Construction8 months ago
Seamless integration. Maybe I am talking the role of someone else, it is correct to respect the predecessor.
CEO in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
The biggest impact you can make initially is to spend time in the business understanding its operations and what drives revenue. Solving your key stakeholder challenges is the first step in building trust.
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Director of Operations8 months ago
Listen. Listen. Listen.  Usually, people will be cautiously optimistic about you joining the company as an executive.  Your challenge will be to show them you understand the business and how you will provide value.  

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My previous organization implemented a strict one-strike policy for lost or damaged devices. While the first incident was considered an accident, repeat offenders were required to reimburse the company for the lost or damaged ...read more
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VP of Corporate Development in Services (non-Government)3 days ago
Depends on the KPIs per function and what Leadership wants to be updated on.
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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view: https://www.rewardgateway.com/blog/employee-turnover-rates-by-industry

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