What are the worst parts of product management? Wave a magic wand and the most painful parts of your job would be gone, what would it be?

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Director of Product Management in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Project management of features to release
Release management and post release stabilisation
If large organisations, getting Management buy in or securing funds
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VP, Product & Engineeringa year ago
Everybody's putting out releases in rapid iterations - it seems like every month there’s a new release coming out. That means I have to educate everyone in my organization and outside my organization about this new feature functionality all the time (i.e. value proposition, how it works, incorporate it in demos, knowledge base update, etc). People only remember and recall so much, so you have to keep repeating the message again and again. Next month, the same cycle happens again and they forget about what happened last month. That’s probably the most painful part.

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