We are looking to create a New Leader Workbook for recently hired executives. (Director and above) What are the most important components to consider when developing one? The categories we identified are Vision, Mission, Values, Behaviors, Priorities, and Key Resources. What else would you add to it?

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HR Managera year ago
Creating a New Leader Workbook for recently hired executives requires careful consideration of important crucial components to ensure its effectiveness. You have rightly identified Vision, Mission, Values, Behaviors, Priorities, and Key Resources. Some other key components which you might take into consideration are:

The content should be at an advanced level, providing insights, strategies, and best practices that are suitable for executives and Directors. Avoiding basic or introductory information that they most likely know already. Introducing sophisticated leadership models and frameworks that cater to senior leadership roles. Covering topics such as change management, stakeholder engagement, and strategic execution.

Including content that enhances their understanding of financial statements, budgeting, and other key financial aspects. Executives at this level should have a solid grasp of how their decisions impact the organization's financial health.

Providing insights into leading through change, including strategies for managing resistance and driving organizational transformation. Gaining endorsement and support from top-level executives, ensuring alignment with organizational strategies and commitment to the workbook's effectiveness.
Sales Managera year ago
In addition to the ones you mentioned, these few components could enhance the comprehensiveness of your New Leader Workbook:

Communication Strategy: Provide insights into your communication channels, practices and expectations so that leaders can effectively convey their vision and goals to their teams.

Change Management Strategy: Equip your leaders with strategies for managing and leading through change so that they can navigate transformations within their teams and departments accordingly.
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Recruiter Consultanta year ago
To create a New Leader Workbook for recently hired executives, you should take care that it provides an in-depth overview of the organization, including its history, mission, values, culture, and strategic objectives that you have already identified. Apart from this,  you can add leadership expectations, organizational structure, team and personnel information, checklists, and feedback templates.

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view: https://www.rewardgateway.com/blog/employee-turnover-rates-by-industry

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