Do you typically do your annual kick off at the beginning of January or the end of January? Do you think there's an advantage to one over the other?

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Director in Manufacturing10 months ago
We usually wait until at least the first full week of January, usually the 2nd full week because so many people take vacations wrapping in the New Years Holiday.
VP of Communications in Software10 months ago
We do our kick off at the end of the first month of the new fiscal year. 
Sustainable Supply Chain Adviser in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
We are middle of January fans. Beginning is still hazy for many or they aren't fully there mentally or even still away on holiday (after strong YE closing). Then month-ends are typically loaded as well, so we do the middle for 1 day only, like a good welcome back lunch & structured discussions before/after.
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HR Strategic Partner, People + Culture Leader10 months ago
Mid to late January - mostly to give everyone the time they need to finish vacations and settle back in before diving back in. In my experience, people aren't in the right headspace the first part of the month to fully embrace a kick-off, and I think it's way more productive to allow for that adjustment time and then get going. 
Program Director, Manufacturing Professional Development in Education9 months ago
I agree with a previous comment on mid-January.  People are too numb immediately following a holiday.  I also dislike have a gap so sending a read-ahead packet for early consumption helps.

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view:

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