Trying to figure out what the best method to secure cloud exchange fabric. In general if the organization requires firewalls between its data and anywhere it does not control the other end (the ins and outs) - where does partner exchange fabric fit in that scenario?

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Head of Cyber Security in Manufacturing7 months ago
I'm not sure if i understood the outcome properly.
If you share data and you want to keep control over it, the only solution would be a Digital Rights Management in one or the other form.

If you bought a specific software and you're in fear of the software could be breached like it happened to "Progress Software's MOVEit Transfer enterprise" last year. You could threat model around it and possibly see firewall filtering as a risk reduction. Do a due diligence on the software how it had been developed and if security by design and default is baked in and secure languages frames are used and if they are continuously updated.

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IT & Strategy Advisor to CxOs || Digital & Enterprise Architecture Consultant in Consumer Goods7 months ago
If you are using an advanced software-defined interconnection solution, then such a solution helps to securely, and dynamically connect to distributed infrastructure and digital ecosystems, including with partners, customers, and cloud providers. You may have to check which concept is used - interconnection / peering / APIs / SDN (Software-Defined Networking) / virtual connection and what are the security controls implemented for the same. 

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Director of Network Transformationa year ago
Excellent question!!  Folks, please share what should be included in a playbook/checklist.  Let's crowdsource one!
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