What tools are other companies utilizing that help in gathering/curating employee culture stories to reflect how culture values are lived out daily?

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HR Director in Transportationa year ago
Bringing out people's real life stories on organizational culture / values is highly impactful, and at the same time it can be (very!) challenging to source where the stories are. 

Sharing a bit of what I did in the recent past when I was leading the culture transformation at a market level. I had different work streams for e.g., Culture Ambassadors, Engagement Campaign Team, Values in Action program office etc. 

One critical part of our culture change management strategy was on 'Bringing our values to life through storytelling' to nurture the culture. In a way to recognize the early adopters. 

How did we do (some examples): 

a) We had new early career employees who want to share their stores connected to our values. We played out those videos during our visits to universities. This is to bring a sense of pride for these employees and at the same time informing the potential talent that we stand up on those values
b) We had a monthly appreciation week connected to values and behaviors. The cards were accessible like phygital -  meaning both physical and digital cards were available for employees to appreciate colleagues who displayed the values / behaviors. Physical Cards typically run out at the counters.
c) We had a communication campaign every Friday (We called it as Feel Good Fridays) on an article from an employee sharing his / her experience on a value / behavior being demonstrated by someone else and how it contributed to the performance (impact). This created a viral movement since many wanted to get featured.

More than the tools in place, it's about knowing where the stories are and how can we capture those where the employees take the lead.

Hope what I shared helps! All the best in your journey.


Head Talent Development in Softwarea year ago
Thank you for your question, this topic is close to my heart, as we have been actively engaged in defining and documenting our organizational culture stories in collaboration with our CEO. Two years ago, our CEO led the redefinition of our core values. Since then, we've taken various initiatives to embed these values into our culture, enabling our employees to embrace and live them in their daily work and lives. This transformation has significantly impacted our culture and instilled a sense of pride among our team. Here are some of the key actions we've taken:

Storytelling Workshops: We brought in a professional storyteller who conducted workshops for nominated employees, teaching them how to craft and share compelling stories. These employees then wrote their stories, which were reviewed by the storyteller. The stories were collected and shared internally as well as on our website.
Culture Stories Channel: We established an internal team's channel that encourages employees to continuously share culture stories. They earn points for each publication, and the best stories are showcased on our website.
E-Learning Videos: To ensure a common understanding of our values and culture, we created e-learning videos accompanied by basic assessments. These resources help all employees understand how our values manifest in their daily activities.

These are just a few of the steps we've taken to strengthen our cultural fabric. I'd be happy to discuss further actions and insights if you're interested.
5 4 Replies
Analyst, HR in Finance (non-banking)8 months ago

Hello, Amrita and Happy New Year!
I love the storytelling workshops that you hosted.  It's a fabulous idea!
Could you tell me how you found a professional storyteller? Was the workshop virtual, hybrid, in-person? Also, what do the employees do with the points the accumulate?

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Head Talent Development in Software8 months ago

Hi Sarah, yes we found a professional story teller, he conducted a virtual workshop for us and also guided how to translate an event into a story. Right after the workshop we started collecting stories and few stories were shared with the story teller to get those reviewed and edited. From there on we created teams channel and requested employees to share their stories. Our marketing team also attended the workshop and knew how to edit stories and every story that was posted Marketing edited and posted. Let me know if you have questions. 

Recruiter Consultanta year ago
Many companies use internal social media platforms like Yammer, Workplace by Facebook, or Microsoft Teams to create dedicated channels or groups.

Platforms like Vimeo or YouTube can be used to create and share video stories that capture cultural moments and achievements.
Some organizations have self-made custom mobile apps.
Corporate Development Manager in Energy and Utilities9 months ago
Ways of working are defined and revisited periodically but a repository for team leader anecdotes on how culture values are lived out daily would be most helpful. A user-driven repository would be important so that employee culture stories are not just gathered when they are needed for reporting or validation purposes. Instead, creating a lively community that provides kudos to those who practice the values of the company makes the values more day-to-day and practical for everyone.  
HR Strategic Partner, People + Culture Leader9 months ago
A few tools/strategies I've used and found helpful for gathering and curating employee stories:

*Community Platform (we used Mighty Network) - encouraging employees to share how they 'lived the values' in their work through posting prompts.
*Employee Recognition programs where employees could nominate their peers for being representative of culture/values and sharing their stories.
*Spotlighting Culture Carriers/Ambassadors and showcasing the behaviors they demonstrated; as part of their 'spotlight' they would tell a story related to carrying out a specific company value.

Hope that helps! I'd be happy to dive into more specifics if it would be helpful. 

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