What is your tolerance for organizational friction when driving changes to marketing strategy?

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Marketing Operations & Communications Manager in Software6 months ago
Our role thrives on continuous testing and iterating based on data. This means we frequently propose adjustments to strategy based on what resonates with our target audience. Friction arises when these adjustments require shifts in other departments or internal processes. However, the ideal scenario is to have open communication and a culture of experimentation. Healthy friction involves constructive discussions about feasibility, resource allocation, and potential impact across departments. This collaborative approach ensures the proposed changes are well-rounded and have a higher chance of success. Ultimately, our tolerance for friction depends on the potential payoff. If data suggests a significant improvement in campaign performance or customer acquisition, navigating some friction becomes worthwhile to achieve those results.
6 months ago
Friction creates the best test cases and drives conversation. 
Analyst Relations in Media6 months ago
My tolerance levels are high, its always good to have strategy questioned it improves outcomes
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Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)6 months ago

This. If strategy demands to drive change, then change. But always have a good plan & arguments why

CMO in Services (non-Government)5 months ago
As a marketer, we must keep high tolerance level. In fact it is not as much as tolerance but tact that one must cultivate. As the old adage goes everyone in the organization claims to know everything of marketing. Winning over people to your side is essential for the big idea to come to life. Also, different perspectives enrich a strategy, as long as you are the one in control.

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