Any tips on how to create a strategy that your team actually takes up? How do you drive adoption?

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IT Analyst13 days ago
Make the decision-making process as collaborative as possible. You don’t need to bring the entire team with you initially, but it’s important to involve key people from various verticals that would be impacted by your strategy. If you can make the process more cross-functional, you’ll stand a better chance of reaching your goal. 
VP of Engineering13 days ago
Create the strategy WITH the team...even if it takes twice (or more) as long. I did this with my team and it took FOREVER...but they finally bought in to it...and now we're rolling it out.
VP of Data13 days ago
In leading my Data & Analytics team, which plays a critical role in enabling enterprise-wide business functions, I've found that successful strategy adoption comes from ensuring alignment and collaboration across the board. To drive this, I focus on three key principles:

1. Aligning with the Business Vision: It's essential that the entire team fully understands the business goals and expectations. I make it a priority to expose them to key business function leads, allowing them to grasp pain points and better appreciate the broader context in which their work fits.

2. Collaborative Strategy Development: A strategy will only resonate if the team feels ownership over it. I encourage a joint development process, incorporating the team's insights and vision into the strategic framework. This ensures their perspectives are heard and valued, fostering greater commitment to the outcome.

3. Iterative Engagement: Strategy should be an evolving dialogue. I facilitate regular opportunities for the team to present and refine the strategy among peers and leadership. This iterative approach not only builds confidence but also ensures continuous alignment with both internal and business needs.

By embedding these practices, the team naturally adopts the strategy, becoming invested in its execution and driving adoption across the organization.
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Director of IT12 days ago
It starts with engagement: Involve all stakeholders in the development of the strategy so that all perspectives are considered.
Once defined the strategy has to be communicated so that purpose and direction of the strategy are clear. Training and support will help so that everyone has the knowledge and skills to comply.
Regularly monitor and evaluate compliance with the strategy. There might be gaps, there might be room for improvement.

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