What can leaders do to make sure their engineers and developers know that their work is meaningful to the organization?

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VP of Engineering23 days ago
It’s important to connect the work that engineers are doing to the broader goals of the organization. Developers need to feel that their work matters, and I’ve seen the negative impact of developers spending their time on tasks that seem insignificant or unappreciated.

One way for leadership to encourage this is by sharing the vision we are trying to accomplish. This can keep teams from falling into a sprint-by-sprint cadence where they only focus on getting work done without understanding how it ties into the bigger picture. We use the OKR framework on our IT and Product Development teams. We set our OKRs based on our organization’s goals, and that allows us to tie our engineering work directly to the company’s overall vision.
Another way to ensure that developers feel their work is meaningful is to present them with the vision of what we want to achieve and let them set their own goals. Instead of leadership dictating what the solution should look like, we let developers come to the table with their own solutions and plans for execution.

Director of Salesforce Delivery23 days ago
When appropriate allow Developers to demo the work they have done to the end users so they can receive direct feedback.  Also, share user feedback and metrics with the Developers and teams to showcase how their work has delivered business value.
Director of IT in Finance (non-banking)23 days ago
Leaders need to establish a lineage between the team's deliverables and the organization’s overall goals and objectives. It's important for leaders to regularly communicate the vision and explain how each assignment contributes to the overall mission. They can do this by sharing specific examples of how their team's work impacts customers, improves the product, or drives the organization forward. Highlighting customer testimonials, success stories, and relevant metrics can further reinforce the importance of their contributions, making their work feel more meaningful and aligned with the organization's success.
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Director of Corporate Development in IT Services23 days ago

Leaders should connect their contributions directly to the organization’s strategic goals using the Balanced Scorecard approach. By regularly showing how their projects impact financial performance, customer satisfaction, internal processes, and innovation, leaders can highlight the broader significance of their efforts. Additionally, offering recognition and aligning individual goals with the company's mission reinforces the importance of their work, making it clear how essential they are to the organization's success.
Chief Techical Officer in Software23 days ago
Show them how their contributions are being used to help the customer and how that drives more success for the company. There is nothing worse than putting time and effort (even if paid) into something just to see it not used by customers.

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