For those with an AI Council/Board, what instigated the development of this board?  What are some problems it’s working on, and how effective do you think the board will be at coming up with solutions?

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IT Director in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago
The main reasons for us to establish governance around AI have been to address ethical concerns, to ensure legal and regulatory compliance, to control that intellectual property was not disclosed and to avoid multiple teams repeating the same efforts. 

So far the success is quite high as it has been given the right empowerment and visibility so that the company seeks for it as a reference for guidance and has trained lots of people on the topic.

The challenge will be to stay ahead technologically and to ensure that enables the delivery of value so it is not seen as slow or an stopper but as a true enabler.
Vice President of IT Security and Operations in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago
The precipitating factor for us was a desire to control risk while enabling our organization's embrace of using AI and maintaining balance between the two. Their focus is on setting AI ethics and creating opportunities to highlight application of AI to our work, but their not accountable for identifying the use cases or solving them, only governance. I think this semi-democratized approach has been very successful at our organization and we're seeing the desired results: measured but steady progress in applying AI to our business.
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Vice President of IT Security and Operations in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago

I should've used AI to check this before posting, irony of ironies.

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VP of IT in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago
There has obviously been a lot of hype around AI and a demand to use the tools that are being released almost daily by vendors.  We wanted to get a solid policy in place and a review process to approve the use of specific tools to ensure the safety, security and ethical use of the tools, particularly the use of native Generative AI tools.  The policy outlines the guardrails for what data should not be used with the LLM models and examples of appropriate use and as always, you must review the output of the tools.  We have limited the use of tools to only those that we have a subscription with that do not use the data to train the models.
Head of Corporate Development5 months ago
In the dynamic landscape of AI, every C-Level executive, business owner, and department leader should strive to establish and actively participate in an AI Advisory & Council Board. Previously, technology advancement adhered to Moore's Law, doubling every 2 years. However, the advent of AI has shattered this paradigm, accelerating progress to every 3.4 months and rapidly gaining momentum. This exponential surge not only fosters the emergence of numerous new career opportunities but also renders obsolete many existing ones. Furthermore, it unveils previously unseen revenue streams while exposing cost inefficiencies, thereby revolutionizing what was once considered 'efficient'.

Do not assume that the IT department understands the power of AI as it applies to "desired business results". Most IT departments are not plugged into the business metrics. They are support. They are often considered a break/fix utility. They are not tied into HR's, Production, Sales, etc goals and objectives. But AI is.... It is a change maker.

AI is transformative to the business metrics if applied right. It takes a team. It needs a board.
Director of Data in Healthcare and Biotech4 months ago
Currently our board review AI tools and AI projects and provide approval for these. I believe we are still in the early phases of our board and ideally the scope of this board will be reviewed in the coming months to encompass a more comprehensive agenda and requirements.

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