Thinking back on your career: what has been the most impactful soft skill you picked up? And where did you learn it from?

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Director in Manufacturing5 months ago
From an academic perspective two classes made a big difference. One was public speaking. In grammar and high school I was terrified of public speaking to the point I would refuse to the point of failing that specific assignment

Went I went to college one class requirement was a speech class. No skipping out of that. We had a great professor and it was one of my classes and I got an A. It made a huge win my career as I frequently got compliments on my presentations for funding and projects and I am sure it helped my career in leadership

The other class I used every day is typing. It helped it programming and in answering emails faster and more effectively as time to type had zero impact
Chief Technology Officer in Software5 months ago
Structured communication - Most essential part of any discussion is structured communication.
You might know everything but if you cant explain in a way it understood clearly by others, its of no use
Strategic Banking IT advisor in Banking5 months ago
As Venshul and Chris mentioned, I believe that communication skills is by far the most important one.

Standing in front of an audience (public speaking), in front of your employees (team meetings) or presenting to a board session (convincing people) are only a few examples.

Being able to write a presentation that is concise but yet precise and convincing is also something I've learned throughout the years.

This is unfortunate that you won't be able to develop this while in school or university.  I've never had a speech class but I'm sure that it would have helped me a lot when I was younger. 
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CISO/CPO & Adjunct Law Professor in Finance (non-banking)5 months ago
To amplify what my colleagues have said: companies have people who excel at public speaking and the other people who work for them.
Director of IT in IT Services5 months ago
The most impactful soft skill I picked up is empathy. I learned it through experience and observing how understanding others' perspectives can drive collaboration and success. The second impactful soft skill I've gained is adaptability. These two soft skills helped me a lot during my leadership role.

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Sr. Manager, Enterprise Architecture in Media9 months ago
Building a story around what zero-trust is and what solutions are used to achieve zero-trust security goals. Then, educate the organization to bring awareness. 
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