What do you think people tend to misunderstand about causes and/or impacts of CISO burnout?

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Board Member, Advisor, Executive Coach in Software4 months ago
I believe one of the misunderstandings about CISO burnout is that we often cover it up. We put on a brave face and keep pushing forward, which isn't the best strategy. It's also important to consider the burnout that might be occurring in our teams, as this can lead to our own burnout. We need to ensure we're not overworking our teams or ourselves. If there's too much work, it needs to be trimmed to prevent burnout.

CISO4 months ago
I think a big challenge is the notion that you're never really off the clock. You could be on vacation with your family and still get that call that requires your immediate attention. This often leads to us putting the organization ahead of our families and friends, which can contribute to burnout.

CISO4 months ago
I believe in the mind-body-spirit approach for myself and my team. Keep the mind sharp, the body in shape, and the spirit high. It's also important to train and prepare your team so when a crisis occurs, the stress level is reduced. If you're in a position where you need to take that call during your off time, you should be able to pass it off to your second in charge with confidence that they can handle the situation.

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Board Member, Advisor, Executive Coach in Software4 months ago
I'm going to take a hard stance here and say that being an executive comes with certain responsibilities. If you can't handle the pressure, then perhaps you're not suited for an executive role. It's about being able to navigate both your personal and professional life and when you can't, being honest enough to step back and let your second in charge take over.
Global Chief Cybersecurity Strategist & CISO in Healthcare and Biotech4 months ago
One of the challenges is when companies lay off your team and you're left to do not only your work but theirs as well. It's important to have good mentors who can give you a different perspective and support you through these tough times.


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