Do you think certifications are necessary in order to continue learning in supply chain? Or do you think self-led learning can be just as effective?

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Director of Supply Chain10 months ago
Many years ago, supply chain certifications were the best way to demonstrate that you acquired supply chain knowledge. Nowadays, there are invaluable self-learning content on many platforms, for example, YouTube, that enriches your certifications and textbook learning. I perceive value in doing both. While supply chain certifications show that you invested significant time and efforts to obtain the credentials, self-learning provides additional knowledge and skills, and together, you can be much more prepared and you can do it in parallel.
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Strategic Sourcing Category Leader in Energy and Utilities10 months ago
I think in practice, self-learning is more effective.  However, some hiring managers are still looking for certifications to ensure that you fully understand the concepts and can speak the same industry terms, so they are equally important.

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Operations Manager3 months ago
You may look at MCIPS from Chartered Institute of Procurement, APICS, CPSCM to name a few. MCIPS is the most sought after certification however there are 3 levels and takes time. APICS is more titled towards Supply Chain more
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Online course23%

In-person course45%



Trial and error40%

Feedback from direct reports27%

Other (please specify in the comments)1%

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