Which technologies or services will enable further edge growth?

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CEO in Software2 years ago
Most of us give the large cloud providers a magical aura, as if what they’ve built isn’t repeatable. It’s true that their scale is almost insurmountable, but their tech isn’t magic. Infrastructure as code (IaC), among other things, is helping to make it so that almost any organization can support heterogeneity in distributed infrastructure. This area of opportunity is improving year over year, and by 2029 you won’t remember why everyone thought infrastructure was so hard. 

We’ll see dozens of services go mainstream in the coming years, whether they’re distributed database services or AI services. By 2029, you’ll be able to license or SaaS any service both inside and outside the framework of public cloud, including application distribution services and Web3 managed data privacy. The cloud providers did much of the hard work required for the first iterations of these services and dozens more, but smaller organizations will make them consumable for edge deployments and on-premises IT. Tools and services, while in many cases disaggregated, will be available to even small businesses who want to build their own. You will be able to create solutions based on the economic reality of what most edge solutions will look like: lots of locations, with only a few servers in each. 

As for cloud functions, there are already a wide range of edge players who have cloud platforms ready for edge use cases that are simple to use and easy to deploy. Whether you’re interested in bare metal as a service (BMaaS), private cloud at remote sites or public cloud like functionality across many locations, the solutions available today are amazing and are continuously improving.

Chief Technology Officer in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Advancements in IoT and ML will absolutely drive and enable further edge growth. Edge computing is about doing work on "the edge" - not in the cloud, but at the edge of the network, close to the customer. It allows processing to happen faster, sooner. An example use case is filtering mass amounts of real-time data to determine - at the fastest possible time - which of these might be dubious/suspicious. IoT drives huge amounts of data, and AI models deployed on edge devices will be the key to handling this data.

Thus, to my mind, it's IoT and ML that will enable further edge growth.
CTO in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
Advancements in ML and Blockchain technologies.  A lot of people consider Crypto and Blockchain as the same thing, but Blockchain will soon see ( or already is seeing ) a variety of implementations which can benefit from decentralisation.
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Director of Engineering in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
Embedded logic in devices that can operate independently from continuous network connectivity will open up new categories of use cases in agriculture, transportation, public safety and defense (amongst others). Severing the virtual umbilical cord and enabling autonomous operations will create opportunities for larger and smaller devices to operate and assist humans in ways that substantially uplift capability and benefit.
Worldwide Strategy & Portfolio, Cross Industry (Supply Chain, ESG, Engineering, Customer Experience, Intelligence Automation, ERP) in Manufacturing2 years ago
Internal Services 
Culture- The ability to show the ROI and embed this technology in to the strategy of the company and the charter of the function. (Company- ESG Function- Spend less on water as an ag company with expense to harvest), but also support the PoC and small innovation steps. Breaking down the silos. 
Chain Management- How budget aligns internally, the UX, and how users interact. IT & Business are benefitting and both gain value
Innovation Mindset

Data Analytics Services -  Infrastructure, platform and real time values (API's etc) 
InterOperability Tools & Services   - How does this fit in with the overall modernization plan and work with the current infrastructure
Processing Power- Increasing the amount of data in and calculation power 
Receiving data- Drones, sensors, satelite, IoT what is available to collect the data and utilize this tech 

Business Value: 
Embedded decision process (safety, weather, etc). 

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