What should Tech Companies do to support Women in Tech?

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CEO in Software4 years ago
I hate that this is still such a struggle. However, this is what I recommend and in fact, am doing myself. 

Cast a wider net:
Different schools - Don't just look for candidates from the common name brands. 
Alternative backgrounds - Attempt hiring for growth; do they have the right characteristics for the role? Have they demonstrated an ability to adapt to changing work or economic realities?
Create a network -  connect with women already in the workforce and ask them for connections and advice. 
Demonstrate through action - If you're doing the right things in your business, you will become your own best medicine.
CIO in Education4 years ago
Support the upward trajectory of female leaders, speak up/out, don’t settle for all-male candidate pools, develop an environment that empowers and celebrates diversity, zero tolerance for biased talk/chatter, model inclusivity.
Director in Manufacturing4 years ago
Start an intern program with your local community college and local university
It’s easier to seed the pipeline early
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All things C-Suite in Energy and Utilities4 years ago
Presumably this question means women that are already IN tech - so I would say: Promote teamwork and transparency in your trams and make sure that this is a kpi that is known and measured against. This will steer individuals to share and promote everyone’s ideas and support team impact.

Do NOT always assume the woman is the scribe or janitor or coordinator for activities. Rotate their role throughout team members.

Too often I see that women are made to or volunteer for, low value tasks. Make sure high impact and high value tasks go to all team members.
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All things C-Suite in Energy and Utilities4 years ago

Oh. And also. Pay women equivalently.
Full stop no excuses.

Digital Transformation Architect in Software4 years ago
As the last year has demonstrated in such stark terms, men must learn to assume more responsibilities at home: cleaning, cooking, parenting, assisting with homework, etc.  Women are back to 1980-levels of employment across all sectors because of the imbalance in household and parenting tasks.  Pipelines, mentoring, inclusive workplaces--none of it matters if women are exhausted before they even start their workday.

Secondly, organizations need to be aware of Glue employees and start developing programs to recognize, reward, and promote their contributions--these employees are often women.  Here's a great article that explains Glue employees: https://noidea.dog/glue

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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez ...read more
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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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