What strategies have you put in place to encourage learning from failures?

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COO5 months ago
The culture of an organization plays a significant role in innovation. It's okay to fail and to use the word 'fail.' Many years ago, I was approached by an intern who questioned how we could create a culture where it's okay to be vulnerable and fail, yet we were not allowed to say the word 'failure.' This was a turning point for me. We learn from our failures, and it's not taboo to fail.

CIO in Education5 months ago
I've removed the word "failure" from my vocabulary. Every act we do is a learning experience. In the scientific world, we have hypotheses. Sometimes we prove them correct, sometimes not. But every step is a learning experience. There's no shame or stigma in proving or disproving your hypothesis. 

I also emphasize innovation within and outside the organization, and even further by having hackathons. I believe that everyone can contribute creative ideas, and the best way to motivate people is by putting ideas forward.

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CIO5 months ago

I agree with Sasi, I don't like the word "failure". I prefer "fail fast, fail forward". Consistency is key. Leaders need to be supportive even when the damage is massive. It's important to create a safe environment where authenticity and empathy are valued. However, there needs to be a structure for getting the learning back into the system. Continuous learning should be fed back into the system to improve over time. It's also important to normalize and encourage reflection on mistakes. As a leader, you need to be consistent and meet people where they are in their growth.

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COO5 months ago
One strategy that I've found effective is creating a culture where it's okay to fail. I drive my teams hard, but I also emphasize that it's okay to make mistakes. The idea is to fail forward and fail quickly. You don't want to take a year to realize something isn't working. I try to foster an environment where everyone, regardless of their position in the organization, feels comfortable being vulnerable. It's okay to say "I don't know" or to admit a failure. Innovation doesn't always happen the first time around. As part of this culture, I want people to feel safe to try and innovate, to make mistakes without fear of judgment or it affecting their performance evaluation. The attempt at innovation is what's appreciated and should be valued.

Chief Supply Chain Officer in Government5 months ago
We use lessons learned for project management.
We engage in continuous improvement through which we evaluate our current level of success and opportunities for improvement.
We have adopted a strategy of failing forward which empowers staff to learn from errors and deploy approaches that facilitate appropriate changes to mitigate/eliminate the same type of events from occurring in the future.

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