Would you let someone change roles even if they are on a performance improvement plan (PIP)? Has this happened on your team before?

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CEO in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
Like most questions, this is a - well, it depends.

Why the PIP?  

Is the person in the wrong job and the move to a new role is better suited to his/her skillset?    

In other words, if the individual is a great cultural fit but in the wrong role, move them if you have the flexibility to the right role.  If you have a company that has the opportunity and flexibility to do that - you are fortunate.

If they are on a PIP due to not being a cultural fit or having the traits to be successful, then don't pass the individual off to another role - rip off the bandaid, do the person a favor (in the long run) and release them.
Director of Sales8 months ago
No, I would not. I believe that in the best interest of the company, if someone is underperforming and or is challenged with behaviors that negatively impacts the organization, there is not a benefit to the company or the individual's development move them to another role. 

Partner in Travel and Hospitality8 months ago
It depends.

When considering whether to move someone on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) to a different role, it's important to assess the fit. Sometimes, the problem isn't the employee, but rather the nature of the job they are in.

If the PIP is due to the job requirements, a different role might be a better fit for the employee's strengths. However, it is crucial to see real effort and improvement from the employee during the PIP period.

It's also important to have discussions with HR and the relevant managers to ensure everyone is on the same page. 

Consistency is key, so we have to provide everyone with the support they need to succeed, including a solid support plan if a role change is decided upon. 

Every situation is unique, so it's essential to weigh the individual's potential against the team's needs.
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COO in Software7 months ago
Short answer is no, to be fair to both the person on the PIP and the organisation. A PIP should be a very specific plan to improve performance and measure that improvement and as such should be tied to a specific role and objectives. There may be exceptions but normally his process should be completed before considering of other roles/moves. 
Head of Sales in Software7 months ago
Rarely but there is the odd occasion where it is a skill issue and not a will issue. This in my instances has happened when a former leader hired someone who is not right for the position that they're in but they have a ton of institutional knowledge and a skill set we need in adjacent role. Think AE to AM, or CSM.

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