What skills are most important (your priorities) in your work today?

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CTO in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago
Soft skills:

1. Communication
2. Emotional intelligence
3. Active listening
Among others

Hard skills:
1. Vision & planning
2. Problem solving
3. Business profit model ownership
Among others
2 2 Replies
Director of IT2 months ago

TY!  This is very helpful. I have also been very interested in the technical aspects of busienss that are critical to tech employees, not just the presetnation/EQ skills. When I survyed a group of 20-30 at my org, and then asked ChatGPT to sort "hard" vs "soft," here is what I got, below. Can I ask, were there any "hard and technical" skills  you would add to your list, or is learning these already 2nd nature to you? 

CTO in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago

I'm glad that you find my answer helpful.

There are several hard skills that are important for me in the startup I'm working in:

Coding review ( Python mainly )
Project management
DB administration
AWS infrastructure
SW Architecture

These are very specific since the startup I'm working on is in a pre-seed stage.

If I were in another startup, I would have different hard skills.

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Director of Systems Operations in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago
Written Communication, Oral Communication, Non Verbal Communication

Communication, Communication, Communication. 

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