What are signs that your D&A initiatives are gaining traction within your organization as a whole? What key indicators of maturity do you look for in your own team and across the organization?

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VP of Data in Healthcare and Biotech4 months ago
A key indicator of maturity in Data & Analytics initiatives is reflected in the questions that people ask and how they use the data to make decisions. If they're not using the data to inform their decisions or to build automated decision-making processes, there's a problem. It could be a lack of trust in the data or a reluctance to fully embrace a data-driven approach. This is a cultural shift that requires trust in our data and consistent delivery of high-quality analytics. The main measure is whether decisions are being made based on the data.

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Chief Architect - Middle East & Türkiye in Software4 months ago
While the decision-making process is indeed a crucial pillar of maturity, I'd also consider the challenges an organization faces when introducing new data and analytics initiatives. Sometimes departments are resistant and guard their data, which hinders progress. So, for me, a measure of maturity is how open and receptive different departments are to new visions or projects that promote the adoption of analytics. Another factor is the resistance from field people to decisions informed by analytics. They may feel they have a better understanding of the market due to their experience. There's also the geographical aspect to consider. For instance, in the Middle East, where I am, it's more challenging and takes more time to overcome the structures that restrict a multinational company from fully utilizing its geographically dispersed data. So, in summary, the decision-making process, the resistance to new projects, and the acceptance of a new way of working all reflect the maturity of your team and organization when it comes to D&A.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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