What is the key to driving a successful human-centric Digital Transformation and why?

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CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturing2 years ago
The key is always the basic principles of change management. Ensure that the people understand what is happening, why it is happening and how to get to the end destination. Critical to these discussions is answering the question for them "WIIFM" (What's in it for me). The better you can communicate all of this the more successful you will be.
Director in Manufacturing2 years ago
One of the keys that you won't read in the business book, is "What's in in for me?".   In large corporations deployments of Digital Transformation are often translated as "restructuring" or "redundancies" which mean layoffs.  If you are going to be expected to reduce headcount to meet your Digital Transformation ROI and Goals, be honest about it.  Help those impacted employees find other roles within the company.  And for "What's in it for me?" - be sure you can explain how your new software and processes make the workday better for the employee.  If you don't they may "quiet quit" and your project will look like a software and process failure.
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Vice President of Enterprise Solutions in IT Services2 years ago

Does the term "WIIFM" is only meant for employees or does it also goes for investors? If both, do you think it's prioritized to one of them? 

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CIO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
Consensus!  Involve all departments and job functions to get their input so that you don't inadvertently make their jobs harder.  One thing I consistently see, when I'm called in to help a Digital Transformation project that has gone wrong, is that I.T has not asked for enough input from each functional department within the company.
Worldwide Strategy & Portfolio, Cross Industry (Supply Chain, ESG, Engineering, Customer Experience, Intelligence Automation, ERP) in Manufacturing2 years ago
I am in agreement with  . Often times I have seen entire multi-year multi-national projects/programs with a disproportionate amount of time allotted for organizational change (including training) as a blurb. There is a strong correlation of organization change framework and investment to change/solution adoption. Employee retention at large is associated with feeling importation and connected to the company, organizational change management is the opportunity to spread the message to connect each role to the value of the change weather that be culture or moving to robots in a warehouse. 

An additional component that I would add would be to utilize a process engineering tool at the front end for a look at the business overall. This will highlight priorities for change. This also allows for input from the business functions. Human-centric transformation can look at the persona level  and tailor the path to change. 

Lastly measurement of the changes and the human throughout the journey are important. Get the feedback loop. 

Time to value comes faster with this in place, althouth, this is also a trade off as OCM is often scratched of the budget as companies prepare for changes and default to adding it to part of the project plan itself. 
Chief Information Technology Officer in IT Services2 years ago
On myside in education the key to driving a successful human-centric Digital Transformation is to prioritize the needs and experiences of the end users, which are typically students, teachers, and staff. This involves creating and implementing technology solutions that support and enhance their learning, teaching, and work processes, while also considering factors such as accessibility, privacy, and security.

The reason why this approach is crucial is because technology must serve people and not the other way around. When technology is designed with the user in mind, it can improve the overall educational experience, increase efficiency and productivity, and support the development of 21st-century skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Additionally, by considering the needs of all stakeholders and involving them in the design and implementation process, a human-centric approach helps ensure that the technology is adopted and effectively used, leading to a successful digital transformation.

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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Softwarea year ago
As a buzzword, it’s on life support.
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