What's your take on the idea of having a Chief AI Officer as part of the leadership team?

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IT Director, Supply Chain Digital in Manufacturinga year ago
It will be a good start for the organization to start experimenting knowing well it will take a couple of interations before a working model is discovered.
Director of Marketing in Softwarea year ago
I am not sure we need another c-level role when there are already well established data and technology roles in organizations. A distributed and collaborative approach to AI management seems more prudent to me. This strategy involves infusing AI responsibilities into existing leadership roles, ensuring seamless integration across functions. This approach not only promotes agility and innovation by tapping into diverse expertise but also aligns AI efforts with broader strategic objectives, all while avoiding the costs and potential silos associated with a dedicated chief AI officer position.
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VP / CIO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
The role of a CAIO should be well-defined and complement the responsibilities of other C-suite members. Clear boundaries must be established to avoid redundancy or confusion with roles like the CTO or CDO (Chief Data Officer).

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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