What's your take on autonomous mobile robots helping to automate certain warehouse functions? Are they overhyped and too cost prohibitive to ever REALLY catch on? Will they really enable a shrinking supply chain labor force to step away from repetitive tasks? Curious what others think here...

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CEO in Consumer Goodsa month ago
They're not cost prohibitive, but it's not about replacing labor. It's about getting more output. There's a lot of cost associated with the maintenance of these machines, which adds a lot of cost, particularly because mechanics are more expensive than warehouse associates. So you have to make sure that the volume increase you're going to get as a result of the mobile robots will be worth that extra cost. Oftentimes it will be. 
Director of Supply Chaina month ago
We are rather observing the trend, trying to find the business case justifying implementation of such solution.

As FMCG/beauty/Style distribution company, serving different channels and different characteristics of the orders,  I still do not see a strong business case which may pay back the investment.

Anyway,  we are actively monitoring progression in that area and once we will find appropriate stream for such type of automation, we may decide to invest in this.
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VP of Supply Chain in Transportationa month ago
I have had the privilege to speak on this topic with multiple companies, all rationalizing automation and mobility solutions as part of pending distribution center expansions or new builds. The reality is that we are behind China and other APAC countries in the application of advanced robotics, mobility solutions, and automation in warehousing and manufacturing. 

One concern for the C-Suite is the ROI and payback duration. However, if you delve into the realized benefits of those who have adopted and are currently using these solutions, you will be inspired by the significant upside in operational efficiencies, safety, workforce retention, and cost management. 

All of this suggests there are more early adopters with proven companies leveraging these mobility and robotic solutions to create a competitive advantage. However, not all companies can afford it or have the means to make significant capital investments. It is not for lack of desire but is cost-prohibitive in some situations.  

I hope this insight helps answer your question.

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