What's a quick win for optimizing spend? What's been your focus or "lowest hanging fruit"?

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Chief Information Officer in Healthcare and Biotech4 years ago
Our quickest spend reduction came from end point standardization and the narrowing of standard equipment to a menu of options. A standard replacement scheduled was implemented allowing a reliable prediction of endpoint costs. We also recognized significant support cost reduction and a reduced capital spend.
CIO in Education4 years ago
Timely renegotiation of most contracts as they end. Elimination/consolidation of duplicative solutions.
Deputy CISOa year ago
An approach that helps is Zero-based-budgeting. basically going back to drawing board and examining each spend as a "new" line time and thinking hard and diligently on why we need to budget/spend that money. There would be things like cloud resources Rishabh mentioned that would also be part of analysis. think about a grocery list and think hard what you need how much qty. That monthly routine at home, maybe applied for yearly plans. 

M365 storage / Video Conferencing like Zoom storage:  data retention could be other area to be looked thru

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Chief Information Officer in Educationa year ago
We are going through this now.  

I suggest a couple of steps. 

1. What applications are only in use by a few people.  Target those first.  Chances are they can use something else.  Group the applications by type and try to eliminate applications. 

2. What applications have the potential for unused licences.. actually most do.  Undertake a small project to review each application userbase and see how many are actually in use.  Tackle the ones that show last login first.  

3. Using the grouping of applications go after the overlaps.  Do you have 3 note taking applications?  Which ones can be phased out - push for simplification which helps $$ and the security footprint you need to secure.   

The harder step is looking at the entire stack of products and revisiting your strategy particularly if you are stitching together best of breed products for a solution say for HRIS & Payroll.  Challenge this thinking but this is not "low hanging fruit". 

I suggest in particular the 2nd step be done annually if you have a lot of turnover in your business. 

Good luck. 
Director of Systems Operations in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
"Quick" meaning less than a month, enabling of self service solutions such as password reset and equipment request. 

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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