What's the key to a successful platform team?

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MSP & IT Director in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
Finding the right talent for the right roles and ensuring the lead has the teams best interest in mind. There needs to be cross functional leadership. 
Director of IT in Consumer Goods2 years ago
Platform teams build internal workflows and tooling need Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs), to ensure application developers are shielded from the evolving complexities of the underlying infrastructure. They create a smooth development and deployment experience for everyone involved.
Executive Director, Enterprise Infrastructure & Cybersecurity in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
Ability to integrate activities cross functional, time bound.
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CISO in Banking2 years ago
Geeting the right mix of skills and personalities is absolutely key, and of these 2 the human factor comes first - skill scan be trained. After than an effective workflow management system to give structure, and lastly good management to shield the people from the polices and vagaries of corporate life so that do what they do best and communicate back to the business is a the language they understand (and that's not techie speak).
Global CIO in Consumer Goods2 years ago
Leadership, Technical Teams Capabilities, Solid External Partner, QA Function, Strong partnership/engagement with Business leaders.

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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
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