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Director of IT in Software2 years ago
I've been thinking a lot about capacity, but there doesn't seem to be any redefinition of it now that we’re remote. People have adopted a psychic distance around capacity, for example, when they're looking at a number of different initiatives they're trying to drive in a certain period of time. At the outset of planning, everybody thinks we should be able to do all these things, but it’s because they're not seeing the actual people, the impact of the change and the need for business. They just think that since we're not commuting, we have an extra seven hours in our week and we can fit in another project. It's frustrating when people have lost sight of the actual work resources it takes to do these projects until you're already in them. At that point, people start to say, “How are we going to get all of this done? Why didn't we think about this before?”
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CIO in Manufacturing2 years ago

It’s difficult to set those boundaries, because we're all one instant message away. People send a Slack or text message here and there, and then it's like people start to assume everyone's available 24 hours a day to work on the 15 projects that we plan to finish this quarter. That piece has weighed on me, because burnout is real.

Director of IT in Software2 years ago

Burnout is very real. I've been creating loyalty on my team by being super empathetic. When an organization is still in the process of growing into what will be an enterprise-size company, it’s tough to drive as if you already have the same capacity or resources that an enterprise does. Shockwaves from that hit the team and it shows. They’ll say, “Do you know how much we have on our plates?” You have to shift your leadership style based on the current situation in order to drive productivity and get the results that you want.

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Chief Technology Officer in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Yes, it's become more chaotic than previously. Part of this is due to the lack of being in a room and working together, seeing the problems people encounter and other unplanned work that arises, and just having that general sense of where time goes.

However, another part appears to be processes falling down - we now get stories that are incomplete or not well-scoped and thus cannot be properly estimated, but yet are instructed these are high priority and must be acted on. We get multiple calendar invites from executives for ad-hoc "problem of the day" meetings right on top of standups or sprint planning/review sessions - despite these being in our calendar and the calendar clearly showing we are busy.

I think that remote working has massively increased the quantity and length of Teams/Zoom meetings and it is heavily impacting productivity, making things fall behind or be short-circuited.

There needs to be a pause-and-reflect, to give time to breathe and then to reset and redesign these processes in a new asynchronous, highly-distributed working model.
Solutions Architect in Software2 years ago
Initially, when there were a lot of changes during these first few weeks/months, there was some disruption, but everybody just got used to it through time.
VP of Engineering in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
The impact on ICs hasn't been too significant - the regular cadence of team ceremonies continues. However, we have had to learn new and different ways to stay engaged, dig deeper, and to ensure that teams are working together effectively. The impact on managers has been different - as David Williams pointed out, the proliferation of status/sync meetings has increased and lengthened days significantly; the "real" work only starts when all the meetings are done. We have to be more intentional about choosing what meetings should happen, how to schedule them in blocks, how to better leverage technology to _not_ have a meeting, and provide blocks of time for managers to learn and iterate strategically.
Chief Techical Officer in Software2 years ago
Nothing has really changed, resources are still resources, plans are still plans, needs are still needs. Projects are still the same projects. What has changed is the amount of flexibility of the resources available and the flexibility of those resources.

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CIO in Healthcare and Biotech3 months ago
I have gone through the similar situation twice in two different organisation , where in one implemented SAP and other one it was Oracle Fusion.
I'd prefer and suggest to follow following steps :-
1. First you need ...read more
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