Regarding Reddit’s changes to APIs: is Reddit right to limit API requests from third-party apps, or do they risk alienating their users?  Do you think this signals a larger change coming for third-party app developers?

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Chief Technology Officer in Mediaa year ago
The decision of Reddit to limit API requests from third-party apps reflects their specific considerations regarding user experience, control, data usage, and security. Whether this signals a larger change for third-party app developers will depend on how other platforms and developers respond, and whether similar restrictions become more prevalent in the industry.
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CTO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
By setting up that high price $12K USD for 50M APIs requests, they are alienating everybody hastily.

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Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication3 years ago
Palantir Foundry
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CIO in Manufacturing17 days ago
There are so many questions here. What type of data are you talking about?
Transactional, master or all data?
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