Any recommendations on how to get buy-in from key stakeholders before a large-scale enterprise architecture project?

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Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
Communicate and set expectations early. From what I’ve seen, most struggles around buy-in happen because there wasn’t a layer of communication early on. If you leave key stakeholders out of the process until the 11th hour, they may not be able to deliver what you need for your project to be successful.
Director of IT8 months ago
To ensure buy-in, it's essential to communicate effectively with your stakeholders. Start by clearly identifying their business needs, challenges, and problems, and make them aware of the impact on their team. Be honest about the situation and the pain points. Once you have their attention, present your solution and the value it can bring to the table.

It's also crucial to get their support early on in the process. Keep them involved in all critical activities by inviting them to important meetings, updating them regularly through email, and following up with them in person or over a call. Building their trust is vital for the buyin.
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CEO8 months ago
Before communication to stakeholders your own understanding of the situation is key. This includes the team that will be delivering the project if that is known at this point. Having a concrete idea of what you will communicate to stakeholders is crucial in order to make sure you make them comfortable and get buy in.

Make sure you understand the objectives and possible outcomes from a practical detail perspective and document it. Include everyone that might have some input on this. 

Think of pitfalls and risks and come up with mitigation strategies. Change management strategies and dealing with disruption of day to day activities are some aspects which needs attention.

Then look at the project from each stakeholders perspective and try and understand their motivations, challenges and fears. Think of possible questions they will have and try to get answers to them. Document as much as you can during this process.

Lastly using all this knowledge come up with a coherent message to the stakeholders that will make them comfortable that you are thorough and keeping their interests in mind. Do some QA sessions with them if you can, to see if there is anything you missed. Don't dismiss any objections they have even if it does not seem important.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Softwarea year ago
As a buzzword, it’s on life support.
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