What do you do when you're faced with employee resistance to application consolidation? Interested in your go-to tactics or strategies for managing change and encouraging adoption with a change-resistant team

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Senior Vice President - Advanced Engineering & Data Analytics in Manufacturing2 months ago
It’s all about employee experience and employees are always happy when they don’t have to access multiple apps for different functions so what it means that apps rationalization is a welcome change to employees rather than resistance. I have executed a number of large scale multi year apps modernization and consolidation programs have not come across any employee resistance with right change management and communicating the benefits.
IT Manager in Construction2 months ago
There are several strategies, I'd like to promote the empathy: so take the time to understand the reasons behind the resistance. Is it due to fear of the unknown, lack of skills, or comfort with the current system (comfort zone / status quo)?
Of course it is important to be clear and transparent, no promises or dreams.
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Director of Operations2 months ago
If the “application consolidation” is a directive, the technical team can blacklist the other products web sites so the software cannot be used on Company equipment, can remove budgets for applications that are not approved, or can have executive management of change-resistant team communicate that change to new tool must happen and set schedule.

If the  “application consolidation” is a suggestion, the team will need to enlist support from the selected company to sell and support migration to the new tool within the Company environment.  Selected company would need to remove obstacles raised by change-resistant team and would need to put OKR in place with selected supplier around adoption. 

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