What is that one "magic" piece of advice/feedback you've gotten that improved your effectiveness as a leader?

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Director of HR2 months ago
"Clarity is magnetic."  It was part of a bigger lesson that people value integrity, but they actually follow clarity.  Clarity in vision combined with a good vision has a potential to build incredible followership.
Director of HR2 months ago
Stop talking before you think, start listening!
Founder in Services (non-Government)2 months ago
As an Individual Contributor:  It's not about you.  it's about the mission, and your team mates. 
As a Manager:   Care deeply, take care of your own needs too, and stay focused on what you can control

As an aspiring executive:   Manage the system; inspire the people.  
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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga month ago
Stop being everyone's solution. 
Director of HR in Healthcare and Biotecha month ago
If you're delivering bad news, do it over the phone. Email is not the place for it.

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