What processes, tools or activities have added an increase in innovation and collaboration among a hybrid workforce?

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CIO in Government5 months ago
We've found that Microsoft Teams has been instrumental in fostering collaboration and innovation in our hybrid workforce. However, navigating the hybrid workforce landscape has been a challenge. We've had to create new processes and policies to define what hybrid work looks like and how we interact in this space. For example, facilitating effective communication during virtual meetings is a struggle we've encountered. We've also had to consider how to manage public comments during Hybrid City Council meetings, especially in the current divisive climate. So, while there are great tools out there, we're still learning and improving our approach to managing a hybrid workforce.

CIO in Services (non-Government)5 months ago
In our organization, which focuses on addressing food insecurity, we've had to quickly transition to a hybrid workforce model due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The transition was smooth and we've not faced significant challenges. We've seen a venture capital company looking at startup businesses that use an AI bot for chat-based interactions. This bot can detect and manage negative content, which could be useful in public forums. We've found that hybrid work requires coordination and an agenda, but not necessarily extensive preparation. It's become a natural extension of our work.

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CIO in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago
We've also been using tools like Teams and Slack, but I believe there's a big difference between just having these tools and using them effectively. We started using Teams right before the pandemic, which was fortunate timing. The pandemic forced us into a disciplined approach to using these tools, which turned out to be a silver lining. Now, we use them extensively and they've become integral to our hybrid work model. However, ensuring effective audio-visual support for hybrid meetings remains a challenge.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

Vendor Relationship / Reputation

Other (comment)

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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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Director of IT in IT Services4 days ago
Implementation of Zero trust architecture, its modules across the organisation is a priority for us. So, we will be implementing zero trust strategies in IAM, inline with overall strategy.
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Yes, and it is always followed22%

Yes, but it is rarely followed54%

Some departments do, but not across the business14%


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