PR professionals — In your opinion, what is the best strategy for announcing changes to executive leadership? Do you have copy ready to go in advance as part of your overall succession plan, or do you write it ad hoc?

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Founder in Services (non-Government)a month ago
I'm not a PR professional, but can offer some thoughts...   To me the best strategy is to flip the power upside down.   This even starts with having team members and people who will be reporting to that leader as key members of the selection committee.  This way 'announcing' is more of a formality.   The announcement can be to tell the formality of what the role entails, decision rights, and who it is, however I would suggest that leader take deliberate steps to get to know peers, team members, and customers more personally.  The 'announcement is just the beginning.    "New Leader installation" with team members, Customer needs understanding (and bright spot discovery) with customers, and Fears - Concerns - hopes - dreams sessions with the people they willl work most closely with.  
Director of Marketinga month ago
As a PR professional who's also studied this subject, yep - always, always, have copy ready to go in advance. But just giving it to them is not enough. Ask them to read and review it, and let you know if they need any changes. Get their buy-in. You don't want the chaos of ad-hoc PR especially if it involves C-level executives. 
Director of Marketing in IT Servicesa month ago
Be succinct. Prepare in advance, discuss with leadership, adjust message if it causes more questions than you'd expect before sharing more broadly.

"Change" is such a broad term. There are many drivers for change, and you have to consider the situation--was there a sudden death of a team member? Did someone win the lottery and will they be heading off to a fabulous next chapter? Very different strategies.

Explain the change, explain who will be affected, and why other departments either don't need to worry or should be excited about the change. If multiple departments are involved, gather the managers and have a very candid discussion. 
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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)a month ago
A proactive and robust strategy and plan that starts with messaging and tools for executive leadership to communicate the change that includes a detailed cadence around how the information is subsequently shared internally and externally.

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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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