Please help me brainstorm.   Often, when companies are struggling, they don't realize they have an underlying sales problem. For instance, cash-flow problems can be the result of inconsistent sales.  What other problems, when you hear them, do you think, "That could be a sales problem"?

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Senior Vice President of Product Management in Software10 months ago
From my experience, when companies face challenges, they often don't realize it might stem from sales issues. For example, if there's high employee turnover, especially in sales, it could point to unrealistic sales targets. Or, when customer retention drops, it often reflects problems in the sales approach. I've also seen inventory pile up due to overestimated sales potential. And, if the company is losing market share, it might mean the sales strategies aren't competitive enough. These signs can be crucial in diagnosing and fixing underlying sales problems to improve overall performance.
Program Director, Manufacturing Professional Development in Education9 months ago
That the organization has a problem with their sales & operations planning process.  At a high-level the sales plan is not aligned with the forecast and likely not aligned with the manufacturing / execution plan.
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CEO in Services (non-Government)9 months ago
Margins. Perhaps sales is not selling the breadth of the product line or including higher margin services in quotes/proposals.

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