When pitched via LinkedIn, what sort of messaging actually resonated with you enough for you to read and reply?

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Deputy Director Marketplace IT Group in Governmenta year ago
I get a lot of pitches. I really appreciate when someone tries to form a relationship before going into a pitch. 
Many times when coming at me with a pitch, the person doesn't know what I do or what my company does. As an executive, when you haven't taken the time to understand what could be helpful in my world, I read it as a generic pitch and I don't respond.  
VP, Data and Opexa year ago
Personalized messaging with clear articulation of the ask and the why for me to engage.
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Director of Network Transformationa year ago

Agreed.  There is enough information on LinkedIn about me.  Please at least try to personalize it...  That said, most of the time, they don't and are trying to sell me on something I clearly don't need - contract devs.  

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Global Head of AI, Data & Analytics in Softwarea year ago
If somebody tries to build a connection before pitching me that's appreciated and they specify why the product or service is relevant to my organization and my role and I might hear them out

If the message is automated, reported for spam
If its the first message they sent after requesting connection with me, reported for spam
If the product has nothing to do with my role, offers a service that is literally the service that I offer or I can tell they haven't spent more than 30 seconds looking at my profile before trying to pitch to me, reported for spam
VP of Communications in Softwarea year ago
I receive a lot of sales-oriented LI messages and ignore most of them as they fail to articulate any value for me, my team, or my organization. The best pitches indicate a clear understanding of the challenges of my role and bring an interesting solution. 
Senior Information Security Manager in Softwarea year ago
A message where the sender spent 2 minutes customizing it to me.

As opposed to generic text like ‘I work with similar people in your industry’.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

Vendor Relationship / Reputation

Other (comment)

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243 views2 Upvotes

Yes, visibility for protecting key employees and executives on social media is part of our cybersecurity budget.56%

No, we do not have a solution or visibility to protect key employees on social media.38%

No, but we plan to budget for key employee and executive protection in the future.5%

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