We want to invest in RPA but also consider other options for IT use cases. Our technology stack is modern, limiting RPA's suitability. We aim to remain neutral and weigh RPA against API for automation. RPA vendors claim that it's faster to get started and will show returns faster, and there is quick implementation and easy business-team adoption via UI development. How does RPA fit into automation with modern technology and APIs already available?

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CTO in Mediaa year ago
As an IT professional, I understand that RPA can be a helpful tool for automating tasks that are difficult to automate using APIs alone. For example, RPA can be useful when working with legacy or non-standard systems that don't have APIs. It can also help automate tasks that require interacting with multiple systems that have different APIs.

However, it's important to recognize that RPA isn't always the best option for automation, especially in modern technology stacks. APIs can provide more flexibility, scalability, and deeper integration with your technology stack, making them a better fit for certain use cases.

So, as an IT professional, I believe that it's crucial to assess each use case carefully and determine whether RPA or API-based automation is the best fit. Depending on the task, a hybrid approach that combines RPA and API-based automation may be necessary.

VP of Engineering in Bankinga year ago
How about also considering other modern low code platforms, e.g. Airplane, Retool? Especially if your stack already has APIs and modern integration mechanisms in place.
CTO in Softwarea year ago
RPA may result in a tech debt in the future because UI may change and you may want to change your systems that you automated

Rely on APIs is a more resilient solution because APIs usually map the domain.

I strongly suggest to go for API automation, start simple with few APIs and some line of code and, after a while, try low-code/no-code solutions if are more simple for you.

As a target I suggest to model your APIs and build automation on top of them abstracting the vendor APIs
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Director of ITa year ago
There is a skills question here.
When considering a solution for any IT Use case, what skills and technology is available.
If an investment has already been made in RPA technology and skills, using it more will deliver more value, etc.
Most RPA can be used with UI and API.
When there is a need for "Human in the loop" for exceptions, or working in parallel, RPA can provide the flexible solution that be much harder to implement with 3GL code. 
Whether a Tech Stack is modern or old, the usual question is whether the business processes are such that there is "Robotic" manual work taking place which is suitable for automation? That leads to the challenge of how to achieve the automation.

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Director of Engineering in Hardware2 months ago
hello - we only only use a tool in India at this time  - Hirepro. 
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VP, Information Systems in Real Estate9 months ago
We will be leveraging AI to complete repetitive and low-risk transactions to free up staff time for more complex initiatives. 
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We follow a defined hyperautomation process9%

We use decision-making techniques (like SWOT or Pareto analysis)45%

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We don’t use automation3%

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