In your opinion, what are the biggest hurdles getting in the way of wider adoption of metaverse across industries?

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Chief Information Officer (and Branch Manager)7 months ago
Just my opinion, but, one of them is how it can be used in ways that move it largely beyond novel. A more immersive, interactive engagement is nice, but, how does it contribute to industry or business goals (increased profitability, throughout, outputs). 
The second is related to the first, perceived need. How many key industries are clamouring for this type of interaction with those they serve and how high a priority is this need (said differently, in some ways, MetaVerse feels like a solution to a problem no one has or few have).
The third is the inevitable pain of engaging in a leading edge technology, it is hard to postulate where it will be in 2 years, so, do I want to hinge a piece of my business on something with a very high likelihood to be disrupted). I think these fears will be amplified further for non-technical leaders and boards who will inevitably mention all the other "next great things " that showed up, shone brightly and fizzled out (NFT's, digital currency as a universal sort of currency, etc)
Director of IT in Retail7 months ago
As a business, typically you view Metaverse as a whole new customer experience that you could offer, a much more immersive and engaging environment. I would think that the main hurdle at this point is that your customers are not in the Metaverse in sufficient numbers yet. A bit of a chicken-and-egg problem, business don't invest because there are not enough customers and customers are not there because there is not enough on offer from businesses. A "build it and they will come" approach is considered risky by many. Businesses invest in TikTok presence because that is where the consumer is, not because it's a great immersive experience.
Chief Supply Chain Officer in Government7 months ago
Cost and clear definition of benefits
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Deputy CISO7 months ago
A technology with great potential but, at the moment, less attractive for adaption largely due to "what is aims to solve" and then ofcourse the compute and other infra required => high cost. / not much CBA. 

But like all good things a time and reason shall emerge... like it did for internet, or even mobile phones 
Lead AI Architect in IT Services7 months ago
There is no metaverse.  There never was one.  There might be one someday, but not today.

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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Softwarea year ago
As a buzzword, it’s on life support.
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