Is OpenAI’s head start in Generative AI akin to Apple’s lead with iOS over Android? Or will this head start be negated as Generative AI will be commoditized like Cloud is today?

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Chief Technology Officer in Educationa year ago
I wonder if any lead in the public release will be negated by how swiftly others in the space are moving to create similar products that are also robust. The pace at which similar nascent products are being released, no matter how wide or limited, seems to be exponentially quicker than other technologies.
CIO in Softwarea year ago
I don't think that OpenAIs headstart can be compared to iOS/Android, Generative AI will be commoditized.
Director of IT in Educationa year ago
OpenAI is ahead of the competition (Apple, Google, Alibaba, etc. ), and can be equated to Apple's lead with iOS over Android.  Apple will do whatever they can to slow down the technology with Microsoft involvement. My thought is that it will be commoditized. Microsoft has to make a profit in their $10B investment in the company, they won't invest unless they saw big potential in the technology.
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CTO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
It is a head start only in the first mover sense. On-par competitors, including open source versions and far more efficient models running on much lower hardware will be available within months, and within 12 months I would expect better performing models from other companies tuned to particular purposes.
CTO in Softwarea year ago
It reminds me of the early days of the cloud when AWS had a clear advantage as the first mover but in the early days was unreliable. Given the non-existent service levels of OpenAI, taking an AI-agnostic strategy will be critical to a robust solution. I can also see SaaS providers giving customers a choice of which AI engine to use. This will also help mitigate the known biases. 

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