What’s the number one thing you want peers to have top of mind when making decisions around the future of generative AI and similar technologies?

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Director of Dataa year ago
How to deal with 'commercial sensitivity' of data, confirming accuracy of results (e.g. hallucinations) and people not deciding to abdicate responsibility and their own thinking. 
CMO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Responsible use of these technologies with improvement in the competitive moat for the company, benefiting all the stakeholders (not just investors).
VP, Data and Opexa year ago
Clear accountability of outcomes. No matter the technology and it’s strengths or weakness, a buyer/user wants a
solution to their problems that they can trust. Hence designing the solution to deliver reliable outcomes is key.
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Data Science & AI Expert in Miscellaneousa year ago
Any new technology should be accompanied with the right education (instructions) as a parts of provider responsibilities
Director of Data and AI in Bankinga year ago
Whether the usage is internal or customer facing. 

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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

Vendor Relationship / Reputation

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IT Manager in Construction5 days ago
I had a look and it seems available for free can be easily find European and global market but there are a bunch of company with commercial reports for UK. I will search more.
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Job will become more stressful32%

Job-related stress will remain stable59%

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