At your organization, do you break apart the Performance Management approach by role or do you try to combine to a single form that holds all employees to the same standards - setting goals, assessed against the same requirements? As a new Talent Management Director, I am assessing the current Performance Management approach at our company. Currently, we have two distinct forms - one for our manufacturing population (working in manufacturing environment and producing tangible products, including some union) and one for the rest of the company. 

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Director of HR in Manufacturinga year ago
We have one form for all. We are exploring have 2 forms, one for individual contributors and one for people managers. 
VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga year ago
Although our direct work force is not digitally enabled (sooo high on my demand list!) my advice is to have the same process for everybody but implement it differently.

Indirect workforce: clearly communicate the business strategy and business goals, have managers spend time to translate those goals in 'what does this mean for us' and have employees match their goals with the company goals. You will create a feeling of accountability and shared responsibility if people feel their role is impacting the business. The higher up the ladder, the more tough and KPI driven the goals should be as accountability and responsibility increases.

Indirect workforce: also clearly communicate the company strategy and as such, create inclusion. Then for the plant and their part of the line or process, develop team goals and team achievements (group A will put the focus on .... group B on .... etc etc) and then per team create individual accountability and ownership for what the employee can really influence.

In the end it is all about how you communicate this and how you create maximum inclusion; it is not that you are working at the line that you should not be included in delivering business results and profitability. HOW you contribute is just different than those in an office role.
Good luck!
CHROa year ago
One form for all unless it’s a retail and HQ then it’s different forms for those groups. It’s usually based on goals so not super specific for their actual role which allows us to use one form. 
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CHRO in Consumer Goodsa year ago
we are working a redesign on this as we speak.  right now we use pretty much a common form but we have different practices. In our plant, we only do an annual review and goals are pretty much pre-set. For our professional staff we have a much more robust planning/development, talent reviews etc. - but have different forms for different depts based upon preference and in some cases, have forms based upon preferences of managers.  We are working to drive a more consistent approach on all fronts, how to do goals, how to do ratings, when and how to do conversations throughout the year etc.  We are not starting from scratch but are working to standardize and simplify experiences.
CHROa year ago
2 forms.  the manufacturing form is shorter and more relevant to their roles.  the one for salaried is longer and involves competencies.

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