As a new CIO, what steps would you take in your initial weeks to promote open communication and inclusivity on your teams?

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Head of Product and Engineering in Finance (non-banking)9 months ago
1) Presenting company goals to the team and tying them to department goals if not already to explain the Why of what we do

2) Sharing where we are in that journey and where we need to be.

3)Extensive 1-1s and skip level 1-1s  to check general pulse , employee motivation and gather feedback
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Principal Engineer, Network Design & Planning in Energy and Utilities9 months ago
Since you are new, I would establish new rules for open communications right from the start.  I would use the "Festivus" model from the Seinfeld episode.  Let people write down and air their grievances or so they think, then take those outside and burn them in a trashcan.  The biggest obstacle when coming in as a new leader is having to deal with past issues that will drag down the team.  Use this to encourage workers that the slate is clear with the boss and to try to work out things out amongst their peers.  The CIO is a strategist/ops implementer.

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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez more
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