Needing Advice for Creating a Learning Strategy:  My company has several departments that have created their own department-specific learning and employee training strategies in lieu of an effective enterprise-wide learning strategy. We are now trying to create an enterprise learning strategy and need to find a way to utilize the already existing learning methods for each department. Any advice for this project? Has anyone dealt with something similar?

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Corporate Development Manager in Energy and Utilities2 months ago
Since adult learning requires experiential processes, best to embed learning in day-to-day processes. Micro learning sessions in team huddles that are thematic and coordinated with team leaders would be more effective enterprise-wide. How different are the learning methods for each department? Skills-based training will require formal training but core (a.k.a. soft) skills (I don't like to call them soft because they're often harder to master) can be embedded and repeated over time enterprise-wide. "Learning By Doing" would be the core strategy applied here, enterprise-wide. 

"Nudges" are important as well...communications that reinforce learning themes would be good to put in place. 

Hope these help. 
Client Impact Manager in Software2 months ago
1st step, I'd flip the question to first start at the corporate strategy - where are we headed, our challenges etc to translate them into the learning strategy (draft 1). 
2nd step, hold discovery sessions to tap into the existing wealth of information on different training strategies - understand what's working/not working/could be better in each of them individually. 
3rd step, map insights from 2nd step with the 1st to create your learning strategy draft 2.
In your feedback sessions, highlight how each departmental strategy influenced the enterprise version, how they all collectively contributed in shaping it.
4th step, use all gathered feedback to finalize the enterprise learning strategy.
HR Manager in Miscellaneous2 months ago
Hi! I would start by analyzing the current state of each department's strategy, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and common goals. Based on those inputs develop a core learning framework that outlines the enterprise-wide objectives, strategies, and methodologies, and leverage the strengths of each department to create a hybrid approach. For example, if one department has an excellent onboarding program, consider adopting and adapting it for use across the organization. Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy to refine it as you go. 
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HR Manager2 months ago
Try creating custom learning pathways in LinkedIn Learning or in your LMS. We use both. The LMS has our company-wide training and LIL has content specifically for each department. We record a presentation on Teams and the LIL pathway contains the recording, the deck, prework and a survey. LIL also has some basic tools to track attendance—it’s not perfect though.
Director of HR2 months ago
For me, a development strategy should start with the why. I would recommend analysing where the organisation is today, where you're striving to get to strategically and what the skills and competencies are that will enable success. Based on this you can understand current state and the size of the gaps. I would advocate for looking beyond training and developing a strategy based on 70:20:10 model to ensure development is sustainable.

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