What is the most overlooked step in a cybersecurity plan?

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Head of Information and Data Analytics in Software3 years ago
No matter what you do, how many of our data we're going to invest, there could be certain things penetrating that perimeter. When that does happen, what kind of incident response plan is in place? What are you going to do about it?
CEO and Co-Founder in Software3 years ago
Response is a very important thing that a lot of people don't pay attention to. Everybody assumes a lot of things will happen and things will fall in line. I think last year was a perfect year. How hard it was for even really large entities who have a lot of money to even put a response plan together. If 2020 is any lesson for human life, it's definitely one for cybersecurity. This year is going to be only more interesting and exciting. Every week, congress is making time to have people come talk about cybersecurity. So either they don't have a lot of things to do for the policy or they're just excited about cybersecurity.
VP, Director of Cyber Incident Response in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago
This is an excellent question.  I think it's the maintenance of the plan itself.  Because even if you document the plan, and the processes to address the response, each security incident is unique enough that it will require you to update the processes involved.  So the moment you publish your plan, it's already out of date!
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Senior IT Manager in Government3 years ago

Absolutely. I would say actually following it, and keeping it up to date and current, are the biggest challenges. Too many organizations create a plan, the stick it on a shelf until the next annual audit rolls around. It does you no good if you don't actually follow through from the plan.

Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)3 years ago
Communicating it in a way that makes sense to your people.
CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturing3 years ago
Getting senior executives fully on board and understanding it.

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