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Director IT | CTO Office | Digital Factory / Industry 4.0 in Hardware2 years ago
I'd say it depends on what layer you're dealing with. If you're a good developer, modularizing your application allows you to scale up faster without making complete changes. That's always a challenge when you ask developers to change something because they’ll say, "I need to rewrite everything to do that." But if they've done the right job and put those things in smaller containers that are manageable, then that layer works if you have proper engineers. But I don't think the layer between multiple applications and solutions is ever going to materialize.
Director of Engineering in Software2 years ago
The world of ​microservices has not fully become a reality and that has led to more complications. Given that everybody's moving to containerization now, that is adding more complexity.
Vice President / IT Services / Digital Workplace leader in Software2 years ago
They are definitely already here. We leverage them for breaking our infrastructure into smaller segments. It does come with some complexities that need to be worked out but it has been a nice benefit for specific use cases.  They are not for everyone so be prepared to create a solid architecture before trying to dip your toes in. 
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Sr. Managing Director in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
Yes !  Microservices makes sense as they just make the code modular and any future changes relatively easier. With the advancement of cloud, containers, open source, DevOps etc. Microservices looks more real ! 
CTO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
I’d say they have. Even in healthcare where the adoption is just slow moving, more and more is being containerized. Security issues have pretty much been ironed out as well.

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