Have you used developer experience tools to measure and track changes? If so, which ones would you recommend? If not, are you interested in exploring these or skeptical of their value?

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SVP Technology in Insurance (except health)16 days ago
I would mention JIRA and its various plugins that can track metrics similar to those in the SPACE framework. Paying for a specialized toolset to track these metrics might not always provide a high return on investment. However, we've used plugins that align closely with SPACE metrics, and they've been effective for us.
CTO in Banking16 days ago
A good tool we've used is the team satisfaction scores in Azure DevOps. It includes six metrics that capture team satisfaction per iteration, allowing us to see trends over time. Some of our teams have found this very satisfying. I'm also interested in other tools like DX, which has a good industry reputation. The people behind it, likeAbby Noda, is noted for their work on the SPACE framework. We've had some success with Azure DevOps, but I'm definitely open to exploring more options.
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VP of Engineering16 days ago
So far, our teams haven't used any formal products specifically designed for measuring developer experience. Instead, we leverage data from platforms like JIRA, ServiceNow, and our content tools. We compile our own reports, which complement our employee engagement surveys and pulse surveys conducted with developers more frequently. Recently, someone from a company called DX reached out to me on LinkedIn. It's a small company that I came across after downloading a couple of their PDFs. I'm curious to learn if there's a good way to measure developer experience effectively.

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Vice President, Software Engineering6 days ago
There are plenty of sophisticated platforms that provide ECM capabilities like OpenText (xECM, Content Server, Documentum), Hyland (Nuxeo, Alfresco, OnBase), Microsoft SharePoint (best suited for collaboration), IBM Filenet. 
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