What are the metrics - KPI/OKR that are used to measure Enterprise Architecture value to your Enterprise?

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Manager, Cybersecurity in Travel and Hospitality10 months ago
Key metrics include alignment, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness for evaluation.
IT Analyst2 months ago
What I have found in all Architecture roles I’ve had across different industries (including my current industry) is that value are best measures towards the following stakeholders: Customer, Shareholder and Risk.

I break the points of metrication down these into 5 categories:
1. Customer Value generation (measured typically by NPS)
2. Shareholder Value genration (usually measured by share price and dividents)
3. Time to market (measured by speed of delivery from ideation to deployment)
4. Total cost of ownership (measured in $$$ spent developing, improving and maintaining capability)
5. Risk (measured by numbers of risks discovered, and incidents occured)
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Chief Adviser, Enterprise Architecture in Government2 months ago

Even though I like the suggestions, I find it very difficult to attribute changes in those KPIs to Enterprise Architecture.

For that reason I would suggest to use KPIs more directly related to EA work like:
1. Number of exemptions from Architecture Principles
2. Number of violations of a standard layered architecture
3. etc...

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Sr Solutions Architect in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago
EA value is best communicated to the business using cost metrics - cost savings created using EA tech stacks/tooling for process efficiency, channel shifts, internal/external self service & revenue streams created by introduction of new channels, a seamless customer experience that encourages cross-sell opportunities/referrals, and a unified customer record that can 'smart-suggest' products and services
VP of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago
The challenge I am having here is we are establishing the EA practice. So while many of the factors mentioned make sense once EA is in-place and mature, how do we track progress towards EA maturity model? That is where I find myself focusing right now. Any thoughts from that perspective?

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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
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