What is one major way you foresee AI noticeably changing the way IT departments operate in the next 2-3 years?

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Director in Manufacturing2 months ago
I hope there will be a huge improvement in ChatBOT tech support across all IT and other firms using ChatBOTs for first level support. Current Chatbots for banks, other financial institutions, cellular providers, government services are awful. However when I pose the same questions to ChatGPT it’s almost always spot on as long as detailed inside information is not required. I’d expect 80% of the current Chatbots could be replaced with ChatGPT now and customer satisfaction would improve significantly
VP, IT Delivery and Technical Business Support2 months ago
Honestly, it's hard to predict the future, especially when it comes to AI. We're being very cautious about how we're implementing it. One thing I can say is that I don't see AI replacing people in roles that significantly impact the bottom line and outcomes. In my perspective from healthcare IT, I think AI will be more utilized in predictive modeling and reporting, and in automating repeatable tasks. We're likely to see more of a shift from traditional robotics to AI that can anticipate the next move. But I think the primary use will be in reporting capabilities. The governance model will definitely have to change based on these developments.

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Worldwide Strategy & Portfolio, Cross Industry (Supply Chain, ESG, Engineering, Customer Experience, Intelligence Automation, ERP) in Manufacturing2 months ago

I agree with Sue and would add that integrating AI into your ecosystem is becoming more prevalent. Companies are now using system integrators and products to tie everything together. This approach reduces risk because it involves multiple layers of expertise. Workflow automation through AI is another area where I see significant changes. It will automate many low-value, high-volume tasks.

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CIO2 months ago
I believe that AI will result in a significant increase in productivity or output. This could mean that we'll be tasked with producing a lot more with the existing staff or doing more with less. We've been exploring AI pilots in our organization, and we've realized that AI can make staff more productive. However, it's challenging to quantify these efficiencies and measure their impact. But I do believe that AI will drive efficiencies and potentially lead to significant cost reductions or an explosion of output.

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VP of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago

I agree with Frank's comments. There's a need for precision in our terminology when discussing AI and its applications. Also, there's a call for ROI because any implementation of AI, even something like Microsoft Copilot, requires investment. IT use cases might fall to the back burner as we focus on driving business value. However, there's low-hanging fruit in IT, like resource allocation, incident detection and management, and automation of routine tasks. We need to prioritize and focus on these areas and ensure we're identifying productivity and ROI for every single thing, including core IT use cases.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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