What learning and development (L&D) platforms have you found effective?

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CIO in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
Learning and development (L&D) is platform agnostic because it depends on how good your L&D team is. At Pure Storage, they had a very good L&D team that took it seriously, whether you're in sales, engineering or any other function. I always say, if everyone owns it, no one owns it. But when you have a team that's dedicated to L&D, the platform becomes irrelevant because the content and engagement are both great. All those things are just multipliers on each other.

We're a smaller shop, so it's tough because there are so many things fighting for your attention nowadays. It's very different from two years ago. Now you get screen fatigue, so the last thing you want to do is watch a video or a whole lesson about how to do pivot tables in Excel. It’s not something I want to do, even during the middle of the day. That's the tough aspect to cross the chasm on. I enjoy learning the most in-person, where you have that human interaction. In that setting, you're learning from each other, but when you’re just watching a video telling you how to do things, it's harder. Concentration also becomes difficult because I get so passive when I see things on the screen now. I'll catch most of the content but I’ll also check my emails at the same time.
Partner in Software2 years ago
Video has become the default choice for learning and development (L&D) because we're consuming it so much for basic aspects of our personal lives, including instruction. There are so many people who want to share what they've learned by creating content, which is admirable. People will do 40-minute videos on particular aspects of a technical area, which are often part of a series rather than one-off pieces. They take time out of their day to create this content for no personal benefit, financial or otherwise.

It’s been interesting to see these practitioners sharing their expertise. There's just more instructive content out there as a result of that, so it's inevitable that you'll land on something that’s helpful, even if that’s by accident. When you’re discussing an issue in a group, someone might share a related video they found helpful. Even if the others would never seek out that piece of content, they all get an opportunity to consume it and suddenly everyone’s gone into learning mode. That's been a very interesting phenomenon. It's not new, but the fact that we have these platforms has made it a lot easier to be able to create and share this content. People aren’t doing this just because they're an influencer; they do it because they’re a practitioner who wants to contribute to the community. The community aspect has been a big driver.

If you think about technical communities, the attendance for AWS re:Invent went up by several thousand every year. The majority of sessions held were by customers; it's good for them from a career development standpoint, but it's a lot of work. You have to go through some curated effort to be able to do it and you don't get real financial benefit out of it. But there has been a bit of a shift, or forcing function, driving people to do that. That's why L&D has to be platform agnostic, because it's ubiquitous in terms of the tooling that’s available to you.
Director of IT in Education2 years ago
In K12, L&D is slightly different.  We use different platforms for K-5 (classroom) and 6-12 (canvas).  Both offer an organized delivery method that can be self-paced, interactive, teacher-guided or collaborative.  The students, individual or teams,  can then develop content derived from what they learned on the respective platforms.
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Director of IT in Manufacturing2 years ago
Docebo and Cornerstore are best for our purposes
Vice President Information Technology in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
Whatfix, TalentLMS and iSpring suite 

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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