Who is leading AI initiatives in your organization? If it is product, who as a product leader are you working with across the aisle? CIO / CTO / Others?

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Global Product Director - Retail Media Platforms | Personalisation Science | Media Measurement in Services (non-Government)7 months ago
Product works closely with data science and engineering teams to drive AI initiatives. Product owns the roadmap both from customer facing capabilities and drives the science roadmap to build the needed capabilities. Engineering teams under CTO bring them to life while CIO org ensures Infra availability, security etc.
Vice President Head of Product7 months ago
At our organization the CTO is leading the AI initiatives but working closely together with CIO and Product.  All three work together to build the roadmap but the CTO is generally doing the "skunk works" to lay the ground work on what is possible and would apply to our tech stack.
Director of Product Management7 months ago
It's a concerted effort amongst product, engineering, and design. Our CPO is leading out on strategy while the CTO in concert with our head of data science is vetting the technical feasibility of all of the different AI ideas coming from our product org.
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Director of Product Management7 months ago
CPO/product is leading AI initiatives for existing products, and working with the CTO office to experiment with and validate new AI initiatives.
VP of Strategy and Product Management at Nextgen Clearing in Telecommunication7 months ago
Product Management is leading. While technology teams are critical to the success, when they lead there is a tendency to make these initiatives more of a hobby than a business practice and only Product brings that perspective to the table. Obviously we work closely together and our success is mutual but if we want to translate AI technologies into solving real world problems, Product plays a critical leadership role.

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