Which KPIs for data management have you tried but would never use again?

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CIO8 months ago
"Total data processed" or "Data volume"
Chief Data Officer in Government2 months ago
we have looked at a number of KPIs but also trying to determine what is already available via ETL logging and system monitoring vs adding work effort.
I worked for a sales organization before coming to the dept of Health and have seen how KPIs can drive good/bad habits - gamilfying KPIs.
Concern re if it is the number of data products or number of queries etc type of metric we are concerned users will gamilfy vs a stractued governance plan and use.
We are considering
- number of records pulled
- number of queries implemented
- how to meausre query response time vs complexity of query
- number of active users vs total signed up users
- once we have our data catalogue tool we are hoping to include some DQ considerations
- number of data sets (mostly static but should grow over the year)
- use vs capacity of the data warehouse (ie 40TB vs 60TB assigned, CPUs is challenging as SQL maxes out the CPU utilization and ram - but need to monitor these to ensure query response time and server capacity (or cloud growth = cost)
- number of data products per department
- most commonly used databases
- most commonly linked databases

Just some of our current considerations. All the query information is available from extended logging on the SQL server and from an audit perspective you can also retrieve the query someone wrote to verify users are compliant or what are the most common types of queries
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Chief Data Officer in Government2 months ago

sorry for the typos.... will do better next time...

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Chief Data Officer in Bankinga month ago
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