How do you measure the impact and success of your D&A talent acquisition and development initiatives?

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SVP, Data & Insightsa month ago
Building on the comments here, traditional performance management frameworks often focus on an individual's success in their current role. However, as data and analytics leaders, we have wide remits, and sometimes individuals may not excel in their current job description but may find opportunities in other areas of the organization. This lateral movement can lead to success in different parts of the organization, which might not be captured in traditional performance metrics. As leaders, we need to be mindful that the success of our initiatives might be reflected in the medium to long term, benefiting the broader organization in various functions or capacities.
Partner / Principal in Services (non-Government)a month ago
While metrics are important, we also need to consider the long-term impact. It is not just about hiring people but about how they contribute to the organization's culture and growth. We look at how new hires become brand ambassadors and create value for the organization. This "time to value" metric is crucial for driving long-term success.

Chief Technology Officer in Softwarea month ago
In my organization, we do not follow a strict set of metrics to measure the success of our hiring. Instead, we rely on a general consensus among the leadership team. Typically, we observe a 1 to 5 ratio, where one out of five hires might be an outlier. This can vary by geography and industry, but generally, if we recruit five people, one might need extra support to meet expectations or might eventually leave. The success metric we follow is retaining and training the remaining four hires to meet our standards.

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Chief Architect - Middle East & Türkiye in Softwarea month ago
The measurement of impact and success in talent acquisition and development typically revolves around several key metrics. For talent acquisition, we look at metrics such as time to fill, which measures how long it takes to bring a new hire into the company. Another important metric is the cost per hire, which encompasses the expenses involved in hiring and training a new employee to become productive. Additionally, the quality of the hire is assessed during the first performance review, which helps us understand the effectiveness of our hiring process.

For talent development, employee engagement is a significant indicator. If employees are highly engaged, it suggests there are ample growth opportunities and that they are contributing positively to the team's skill set. Another relevant metric is the rate of internal mobility, which tracks how frequently employees are promoted or move across teams. This not only impacts talent development but can also be a strategy for it. These metrics are particularly relevant in my extended team, and I will let others expand on this.

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